
Inventory Management

with ERP Next Qatar Software

End-to-end ERPNext Stock Management Module

Integrate your business warehouse inventory with Tridots Tech’s scalable ERP stock management software to manage stock movements & logistic processess.

Customer & Supplier

Create and manage your customer (an individual who purchased your offerings) and supplier group with our ERPNext selling module easily.

Product Bundle

With our Selling product bundle tool, you can encourage customers by grouping several items or products and sell them at a single unit price.

Pricing Rule

To apply any discount for items, some pricing rules or conditions are applied to enhance customer ordering preferences.

Sales Order

With ERPNext selling sales module, manage sales order processing flow on every customer order receiving and confirmation.

Sales Taxes & Charges

To run a government-approved business, Taxes are applied for sales items that are contributed to the state revenue government. With ERPNext selling module, create tax and charge templates to apply faster.


With the Selling ERPNext module, you can configure product discounts over sales based on pricing rules easily.

Order & Shipment Report

The selling module supports the sales order delivery to customer flow smoothly by tracking invoices and shipping status via a real-time reporting tool.

Looking for ERP Next Qatar solution provider in Chennai?

With more than 250+ satisfied customers across globe, Tridots Tech, your #1 ERPNext solution provider in Qatar, offers an all-in-one business management platform.

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